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January 25, 2022
Switching to eco friendly natural deo stinks. Quiet literally! And here is why..
Most conventional deodorants are laced with aluminium which has some scary affects on our fragile bodies.
Aluminium, what is is for?
The aluminium in most deodorants is the key ingredient that blocks your sweat glands from excreting onto the skins surface. Sounds like it is doing the job, however when we dig deeper into the research, it has been suggested that these aluminium compounds may be absorbed by the skin and cause changes in oestrogen receptors of breast cells. So conventional deodorants are known to cause cancer, definitely something we do not need especially when 32 people die of breast cancer every single day in the UK!
Sweating is Essential
Secondly, we are supposed to sweat, it is a normal bodily function that helps us remove toxins from the body & regulate our temperature. There is a huge difference between antiperspirant & natural deodorant sticks or eco friendly alternatives, one stops you from sweating and the other natural alternative helps to mask the smell of your sweat.
Why the Stink?
Thirdly, it takes a few weeks to adjust to your eco friendly deodorant and here is why..for the longest time you have been spraying your armpits with cancer flaring aluminium and blocking your sweat glands, finally the sweat have time to come through to the skins surface. It isn't the sweat that smells, “It’s the bacteria that grows on sweat that causes odour,”, your body is working in overdrive to release the toxins it was previously bombarded with leaving you with a stinky transitional period of us to 3 weeks. It isn't that your new natural deodorant isn't working, its that your armpits are working in overdrive to clear your sweaty pathways into a healthier, natural flow.
The good news:
After a few weeks of switching you will notice the odour subsiding, your body is healing itself from the years of toxic chemicals affecting your armpits natural functions. Your pits are back, they are healthy and your stunning eco friendly natural deodorant will keep you feeling fresh all day (without any cancer causing ingredients!)..
Are you ready to make the swap? We have a great selection of Natural Deodorants from Reusables to Fully compostable.
Scrubber Store Natural Deo - RRP £6.99
Wild Reusable Natural Deo - RRP £15
Banbu Natural Deo Bars - RRP £9.08
Legra - Natural Deo Bars - RRP £11
We also have fragrance free options for people with hyper sensitive under arms (like Poo!), the Legra Fragrance Free option has been a god send!
Work through the stink and your skin, body and the planet will thank you! WE promise.. x