A couple of humans who met dancing the night away at Rio, a confusingly named music festival on the Hawkberry River in New South Wales, Sydney in November 2017. Oli a carpenter by trade, a self-proclaimed perfectionist who thrives off seeing the fruits of his labour. After 29 years Poo a city girl has swapped her heels for wellies and plonked herself into the country amplifying her passion for food, nature and photography. We love documentaries or any chance to learn about the intricacies of our existence; turns out this world needs rejuvenating quicker than we ever anticipated.
After a whirlwind romance barefoot on Bondi Beach we decided to shuffle back home to the UK for Oli to pursue his dream of flipping houses and Poo to pick up her wedding cake business again. Let’s just say we do not do things by halves, less than 6 months on Yorkshire soil and we put an offer in for a 17th century farmhouse with heaps of potential. Our mission is to create a beautifully liveable home with environmental consciousness at the forefront of our plans both in the house and in the garden.
Living sustainably isn’t easy and we are by no means saying we are perfect human beings living the zero-waste, vegan life. We simply think this readjustment into the #farmlife is giving us the platform to engage in better planet conscious decisions for the future of our non-existent babies and yours.
Oli is half Jamaican and I am Indian, we are Jam-Indians as we like to call it. When getting to the core of the Rasta and Hindu philosophies they are inherently similar in their beliefs of connectivity to the natural world and our respect for it and all things within it. Both harness the idea of karma as a daily ritual, the complexities of human behaviour with cause and effect, we are held responsible for our actions and more precisely, for the intention of our actions.
Essentially, we are all in control of our choices, knowledge equips us with the power to formulate thoughts and these thoughts are the driver of our intentions and actions which I would hope have the future of our existence in mind. We hope that our journey inspires others to make even just 1 change, as this is at the very least a positive step in the right direction.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can caste a stone across the waters to create many ripples” Mother Teresa.