As interest in these CBD oils and hemp products rises, so too does their confusion, much like any superfood it’s fast becoming a part of many human’s daily health routine, including mine and here’s why.
Hemp oil is an extraction of oil from the seeds of a cannabis sativa plant, a super-rich source of plant based protein and enriching fatty acids, naturally blessing us with its health and skincare benefits. With high levels of vitamin E and Omega 3 & 6, it is a great topical solution for acne prone skin, dry skin, skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis and it even helps rebuild elasticity in the skin leaving your skin feeling youthful that glows from the inside out. Its benefits have been harnessed in many cultures for centuries with the west only just realising the true power of Hemp in all it’s forms. It is now the plant of the season (in the west) with high street brands such as The Body Shop dedicating entire ranges to its benefits. However, nothing beats the purest form, go straight to the source.
Having naturally healthy skin is a great power but feeding and supporting your mind is even better!
The UK Charity Mind have reported that 25% of humans in the UK will suffer from mental health in some way, shape or form every year. Bear in mind that this analysis was done pre-COVID19, I can only imagine these metrics will get worse. As the NHS mostly supports those in need with pharmaceutical drugs that “numb” the pain, try and look for herbal options that are not only better for you but they are also better for the environment.
When ingested hemp oil or CBD oil has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, effectively supporting and developing healthy brain and mind function. This magic position not only ‘numbs’ the hum of anxiety but genuinely supports, grows and protects your mind. Several studies have been compiled by the brains of the world, that truly measuring its value.
Don’t be shy, give it a go. It is completely legal and can benefit each and every one of us. It has definitely helped my anxiety and also cleared up my skin, we can’t live without it’s magic.
Several studies have been compiled by the brains of the world, that truly measuring its value, for some further reading into the magical hemp benefits look at EchoConnections.Org and Medical News Today
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